In primo piano · Libro Futuro

La tua biblioteca e quelle oltre la tua terra. Viaggiare alla scoperta di nuove realtà e nuove biblioteche. Mario Coffa intervista Morgane Gourgand

Interview in English Morgane Gourgand è una bibliotecaria francese laureata in Biblioteche e Scienze dell'Informazione all'Università di Rennes. Ha conseguito un Master in Biblioteche e Management Culturale presso l'Università di Nantes e dopo un tirocinio di fine studi presso la Biblioteca Nazionale delle Donne di Bologna (Italia), ha sognato di intraprendere una carriera internazionale per… Continue reading La tua biblioteca e quelle oltre la tua terra. Viaggiare alla scoperta di nuove realtà e nuove biblioteche. Mario Coffa intervista Morgane Gourgand

Libro Futuro

Your library and those beyond your land. Traveling to discover new realities and new libraries. Mario Coffa interviews Morgane Gourgand

Intervista in italiano Morgane Gourgand is a French librarian with a degree in Libraries and Information Sciences at the University of Rennes. She holds a Masters in Libraries and Cultural Management from the University of Nantes and after an internship at the National Women's Library of Bologna (Italy), she dreamed of pursuing an international career… Continue reading Your library and those beyond your land. Traveling to discover new realities and new libraries. Mario Coffa interviews Morgane Gourgand

Libro Futuro

الوصول المفتوح والتعاون والمكتبات الذكية في المدن الذكية. الوضع في لبنان. مقابلة ماريو كوفا مع فرح سبيتي

Intervista in italiano Interview in English فرح سبيتي أستاذ مساعد في الجامعة اللبنانية. حصل على درجة الدكتوراه في علوم الاتصال والمعلومات عام 2022. وقد عمل كأمين مكتبة وأخصائي معلومات لمدة 12 عامًا. وهي خبيرة في البحث والفهرسة والفهرسة والتصنيف ومحو الأمية الحاسوبية. عضو عامل في "الاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات - AFLI" و "جمعية المكتبات اللبنانية… Continue reading الوصول المفتوح والتعاون والمكتبات الذكية في المدن الذكية. الوضع في لبنان. مقابلة ماريو كوفا مع فرح سبيتي

In primo piano · Libro Futuro

Open Access, cooperazione e biblioteche intelligenti in città intelligenti. La situazione in Libano. Mario Coffa intervista Farah Sbeity

Interview in English مقابلة باللغة العربية Farah Sbeity è assistente professore all'Università libanese. Ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze della Comunicazione e dell'Informazione nel 2022. Da 12 anni lavora come Bibliotecario e Specialista dell'Informazione. È esperta di ricerca, catalogazione, indicizzazione, classificazione e alfabetizzazione informatica. Membro attivo della "Federazione araba per le biblioteche e… Continue reading Open Access, cooperazione e biblioteche intelligenti in città intelligenti. La situazione in Libano. Mario Coffa intervista Farah Sbeity

Libro Futuro

Open Access, cooperation and smart libraries in smart cities. The situation in Lebanon. Mario Coffa interviews Farah Sbeity

Intervista in italiano مقابلة باللغة العربية Farah Sbeity is assistant professor at the Lebanese University. She received his PhD in Communication and Information Sciences in 2022. She has been working as a Librarian and Information Specialist for 12 years. She is an expert in research, cataloging, indexing, classification and computer literacy. Active member of the… Continue reading Open Access, cooperation and smart libraries in smart cities. The situation in Lebanon. Mario Coffa interviews Farah Sbeity